Today we have a recipe for an upholstery and fabric mist that really just keeps it simple. Lavender and Eucalyptus are two EO’s most already have in their #DIY pantries at home.
Lavender, revered for its calming benefits and widely known for its antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, is always a great choice when it comes to green cleaning. So what we’re trying to say is that not only will this EO chill you out, it is also crazy effective when it comes to cleaning your home.
With its powerful antiseptic and antiviral qualities, Eucalyptus has uses that go beyond keeping your family healthy with diffuser blends and topical treatments. It’s also extremely useful for green cleaning around the house.
To get to a 3% dilution rate, you want to use about 18 drops of EO per ounce of distilled water. Use equal parts Lavender and Eucalyptus. Remember - you can always add more but cannot go back so we recommend adding gradually!
Need your mist to evaporate faster? Try adding vodka or witch hazel. If you feel like you need a little more “staying” power you can add a teaspoon or so of vegetable glycerine to your mist.
Shake well before each use and spritz away!
Use on…
Happy Cleaning!
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